This map reflects median home sales prices as reported to NorCal MLS Alliance in 2025, for the cities of Alameda & Contra Costa Counties. Median sales prices are generalities that often fluctuate and can be affected by other factors besides changes in fair market value. They typically disguise a huge range of prices in the underlying individual sales, and all prices should be considered approximate. It is impossible to know how median and average value statistics apply to any particular home without a specific comparative market analysis. Data per sales reported to NorCal MLS Alliance, deemed reliable, but may contain errors and subject to revision. Prices may change with late-reported sales.
Click on icons to pull up median home sales prices.
Considering buying or selling in Lamorinda? The Lamorinda area, which is East of Berkeley Hills and between Walnut Creek and Caldecott Tunnel, includes the cities of Lafayette, Moraga, and Orinda, CA, offers a much bigger indoor/outdoor living space. These suburbs are all about half an hour by car from the more lively city of San Francisco, so they are close enough that you can still pop back for work or spend a more upbeat evening with your friends in the city, yet you can enjoy the beauty and tranquillity of these less populated cities.
Get in touch if you are considering relocating to these areas and want to have a local realtor help you with the buying process along the way. I’d be happy to assist your search for your dream family home!